Your WeChat chats and all other data is stored on your phone rather than on WeChat servers. The thing is that both WhatsApp and WeChat are mobile first apps. Why not use a username and password like all the others?” Why you need to login to WeChat Web using your phone? Confirm login and you are ready to start chatting. Once the QR Code is scanned, you will be asked to confirm web login on your phoneĥ. Choose the Scan QR Code option and point your camera towards the QR Code on WeChat Web. Open WeChat on your phone and go to the Discover tabĤ. You will see a QR Code that you need to scan using your WeChat app on your phoneģ. Did you know that you can access your WeChat chats on your desktop as well? Like Whatsapp, you can use WeChat Web to message all your friends right from your PC using the WeChat web QR Code.